Tintash is a software design and development studio

with a focus on emerging tech, and providing tech/product leadership colocated with the clients. The product leaders are supported by expert teams of designers and developers located with the client, hybrid or working remotely depending in project needs and requirements. Tintash has offices in the United States, Pakistan, Norway, Canada and the Middle East.

Tintash’s growth over the past ten years and the related evolution of the ways of working called for a streamlining of the internal processes and minimum requirements for project management. The purpose of this assignment was to develop a Project Management Playbook and train key team members as super users.

⸺ Mapping

Mapped good practices and challenges with project management across all organisational functions. Recommended areas for priority focus.

⸺ Draft and digitalisation

Created the Playbook and advised its digitalisation, with input from an Internal Steering Committee and Advisory Group set up for the purpose of the project.


⸺ Rollout and change management

Created a rollout plan for the Playbook, along with recommendations for change management. Conducted initial trainings for select Project Managers.


Tintash: Project Management Playbook

ClientTintashServicesConsulting, trainings and workshopsYear2021, 2022Linktintash.com

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