NORCAP is a global provider of aid expertise and solutions

NORCAP works to improve aid to better protect and empower people affected by crisis and climate change by providing expertise and solutions to humanitarian, development and peacebuilding partners. The partners include UN agencies, international and national NGOs, national governments, academia and other national and regional institions, as well as donor governments.

In recent years NORCAP’s partnerships have increased to include a number of different stakeholders. Different partnerships come with different compliance obligations towards partners, donor governments and experts deployed by NORCAP. The purpose of this assignment was to map NORCAP’s growing partnerships and make recommendations for managing the related division of roles vis a vis relevant obligations.

⸺ Mapping

Conducted a mapping of NORCAP’s partnerships as well as opportunities, risks and gaps associated with different categories of partnerships.

⸺ Partnership model

Developed a partnership model to clarify the nature of agreements between partnerships in line with different compliance roles.

⸺ Agreements

Drafted a compendium of standard clauses to address partner obligations, for use in different categories of partnerships.


NORCAP: Partnership governance

ClientNORCAP (Norwegian Capacity)ServicesConsulting, workshopYear2021,

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